Our Administration

Go through the huge catalogue of programs we offer our students. 

To learn more about our institution, contact us. 

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Kebuya Nathaniel

Managing Director

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Dr Bafon Kenneth Youmeyse

Director Academics

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Prof. Bongwong Bruno

Master Program Dept. of Education and Counselling

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Mr Etampe Augustine

M.A Education Dept

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Fon Lovet Nfor

Tutor CAPIEMP Program

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Yoh Edlquin Nabi

Measurement & Evaluation Tutor, Bertoua

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Mme Buo Josephine Zuh

Coordinator HIPTEX, Kumba

Fon Lovet Nfor

Tutor CAPIEMP Program

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Yoh Edlquin Nabi

Measurement & Evaluation Tutor, Bertoua

Your Future Starts Here.

At HIPTEX, we see education as a pivotal scheme in the 2035 emergence idea being sung these days. Thus HIPTEX is the epicenter of an emergent Cameroon come 2035. We are special at HIPTEX because we train, employ and our graduates work and pay their fees. No matter how dark your path is, come to HIPTEX and we shall light your path.